Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Things we have been up to....

We have been really busy here at the center these past few weeks. A group of us went to the Irving Nature Park in Saint John for a day trip. We explored some of the trails and had a picnic lunch. It was really great to see everyone enjoying nature and having a great time together. We ended the day with exploration of the two mazes they have on the outskirts of the park. There were lots of laughs and some of us even got a little

We have also had a successful fundraising yard sale here at the center. A big thank you to everyone that supported us by either donating or buying. We couldn't have been successful without you.

Some of the yummy food donated by family members and volunteers:

                            Marilena's Mum Maricella's yummy donations. These didn't last long!

Marilena and Nathan working the food table:

We have been busy planning our summer outings and a couple of our bigger trips. Peggy has taken Kristy, Andy and Bill to Halifax. They left yesterday and seem to be having a great time. We will update when they are back and get all the details.  We are also going to PEI in August with dates not yet determined. 

Also, we will be making some more Yardzee's starting next week.

Disability Awareness Week was May 29th -June 3rd.

To highlight some of our events from DAW:  Carrie took Andy, Debbie and Sherry to the Legislative breakfast in Fredericton. We stayed at the Delta and enjoyed a wonderful meal and presentations. It was a great learning experience. We even had a chance to hear the Premier of New Brunswick speak. 
Back at the center everyone else took part in DAW activities, games and a BBQ. 

The theme for this years Disability Awareness week was, "We Want In" Representing the facts that everyone regardless of ability want and need access to buildings, employment and community. We are very lucky to live in such an inclusive community as St. George. We have many employers who employ many of us throughout the community.

Here is a picture of Melinda working at The Guardian Pharmacy:

 We had a great turn out for our annual rock and roll. We walked from the center to Pete's for ice cream.

Kim taking some of the ladies for drive through town in style.
 Rick Doucet joined us again this year for our walk. We always enjoy his visits and really appreciate him taking time to spend with us.
                                                               Joyce enjoying the day!

                                            Liz and Sherri enjoying one of Pete's yummy treats!

                                                          Kim's rides were a big hit!


Well that's about it for today! We hope you all enjoyed the update and look forward to updating again soon with some exciting news. Stay tuned

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