Lets Set Some Goals for our new Planet!
For this exercise we again broke into groups..three this time. Each group thought of different activity goals that they want our new planet to have. Click on the picture to enlarge and read our great ideas!
A few of them were...to travel more, more jobs, education, volunteering, and fundraising
Next, as a group we looked at which goals we came up with that were the same and put those in our planet.
Now we needed to choose which goal we wanted to work on first. By raising our hands we voted and the winner was...
To Travel More!!!
Of course, with every goal there are barriers to overcome. These were some of the barriers we thought of for travelling along with some solutions.
Some of our thoughts on these projects.
Working together we came up with more ideas than working alone.
The classes were educational and made me think more about my goals and the outcomes I want to reach.
Made me realize I can take on more responsibilities to get more privileges.
Some places I lived told me I had no rights. Now I know I do!!!
I learned to be respected I have to respect others.
I am looking forward to more classes like this to learn more!
It was fun working in groups!