Thursday, 30 March 2017

Planning Ahead Setting Our Goals

Lets Set Some Goals for our new Planet!
For this exercise we again broke into groups..three this time.  Each group thought of different activity goals that they want our new planet to have.  Click on the picture to enlarge and read our great ideas!
A few of them travel more, more jobs, education, volunteering, and fundraising

Next, as a group we looked at which goals we came up with that were the same and put those in our planet.

Now we needed to choose which goal we wanted to work on first.  By raising our hands we voted and the winner was...
To Travel More!!!
Of course, with every goal there are barriers to overcome.  These were some of the barriers we thought of for travelling along with some solutions.

Some of our thoughts on these projects.
Working together we came up with more ideas than working alone. 
The classes were educational and made me think more about my goals and the outcomes I want to reach.
Made me realize I can take on more responsibilities to get more privileges. 
Some places I lived told me I had no rights.  Now I know I do!!!
I learned to be respected I have to respect others.
I am looking forward to more classes like this to learn more!
It was fun working in groups!

Our Human Rights!!!

Rights and Responsibilities

This week we learned about our human rights and the responsibilities that come along with those rights.
Everyone broke into 4 groups and participated in developing the rights for our new planet.  Some of the rights we came up with were:
Freedom of speech
To be Respected and to be nice to people
Right to travel or move
Right to vote
Right to work
Right to be Free
Freedom of expression in words, clothing etc.
Right to be safe
Right to defend ourselves
Right to make new laws
Right to own property

So along with these rights come responsibilities and these are some of the responsibilities we thought were important.

If we expect others to respect us, we must also be respectful. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  We must also respect ourselves by taking care of our appearance, hygiene and health.
We have the right to freedom of sexuality but shouldn't force our beliefs on others.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and shouldn't be judged or discriminated.
If we want an education it is our responsibility to show up, study hard and do our homework. Give our best effort and seek help when needed.
If we want a place of our own we are responsible for it's upkeep, paying the bills, buying food and paying taxes.
To have a job we must be willing to work hard, be punctual, be respectful of the rules, be honest and do as we are asked.
We have the right to free speech but must be appropriate with our words, don't slander others or spread rumors, gossip or lies.  Think before you speak!
To be safe we are responsible for our actions at home, work and in the community.  We shouldn't purposely put ourselves in harms way.
We have the right to defend ourselves but must abide by the law. We can talk to a judge or free lawyer to help us.
After this exercise we discussed all thirty of our actual human rights.  We got quite a few right!!  Knowing our rights and responsibilities is important because it helps us to make better life decisions and stick up for ourselves!  Next it's time to start working on some GOALS!!!

Monday, 27 March 2017

"Spare" Time on a Friday

Friday, March 24th was a pretty exciting day here at the Community Living Center.  Everyone piled into cars and headed to Saint John for a fun day of bowling, lunch out and some shopping!

Despite some barriers everyone that wanted to participate was able to do so.

There are no rules on how to bowl in our world...we just do it for fun and it's some good exercise too.  Some people throw the ball with two hands, swinging  the ball back and forth between their legs before sending it rolling down the alley.  Others throw the ball with a force strong enough to take down an oak tree, while others set the ball on the floor and gently push it so it gradually maneuvers its way down the long...long...long alley.  The style doesn't matter, just the result.

Some say the best part of the day was spending it with people we care about, having lots of fun and being out and about.
After bowling, we all headed off in different directions for lunch.  Some of us went to the McAllister Mall, and others went to Wendy's and the Dollar Store.  Isn't it always fun going out to eat, especially for those who don't have the opportunity very often.  

So that was what we did last Friday.  Strikes, spares, and laughs for everyone!!

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Our First Attempt

So today we decided to start a blog.  Our first attempt took us 2 hours and failed miserably.  We did not want a blog that required us to pay for a domain, which we only found out at the end of the blog making process!  We were frustrated!

Finally we were able to return to blogspot and get things going in the right direction.

Our main goal in publishing our blog is to inspire ourselves and others to live their best lives by sharing our experiences.  We will be sharing our goals and accomplishments, our hopes and our dreams and things we have learned along the way.

We hope you will enjoy following our blog and send us lots of comments!!